PhD in Accounting

HKUST is home to Asia’s premier accounting program, combining world-leading research, award-winning teaching, outstanding students, and a state-of-the-art curriculum to train tomorrow’s leaders. All faculty have PhDs from the world’s top research universities.

In recent years, the Department of Accounting consistently has ranked among the best globally for publications in leading accounting research journals. For example, according to the University of Texas at Dallas Top 100 Business School Research Rankings, the Department ranks 15th worldwide based on publications in the top three accounting journals over ten years (2003-2012).

HKUST is accredited by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. In 1999, HKUST became the first accounting program outside North America to win accreditation from AACSB, the premier accrediting agency for business schools. In 2003, HKUST became the first university outside North America awarded a chapter of Beta Alpha Psi, the world’s premier accounting honorary organization.

The research foci of Department of Accounting faculty members are in the following areas: financial accounting and capital markets, international accounting, China-related topics, earnings management, financial media, real effect of accounting information, contracting, auditing and corporate governance.

The Department hosts the international Summer Symposium on Accounting Research on the HKUST campus which is now a significant event on the calendars of accounting academics worldwide.

Our PhD program is similar in structure and content to those at other top universities in the world. Students are required to undergo rigorous course training in the first two years to build up a solid foundation of knowledge on economic theories, statistics/econometrics, finance, as well as accounting. Upon passing the qualifying examination, they formally enter the dissertation stage. Throughout the program, faculty advisors work closely with students to provide advice and guidance on coursework and research development.

Click here to learn more about Accounting faculty and their research areas.